The Importance of Dog Therapy

The Importance of Dog Therapy

Dogs are wonderful and amazing creatures to have in our homes. With their therapeutic and calming skill, they simply know how to make you switch from angry and frustrated to calm and happy especially after a long, tiring, and annoying day at work. They help us lead a happier and healthier lives. Therapy dogs in particular are well-trained and certified dogs that support health professionals to facilitate a patients healing process. Therapy dogs also help patients perform tasks they wouldn’t normally do due to physical limitations. People that benefits massively from dog therapy include; people with diabetes, depression, dementia, and high blood pressure. To keep you in the know, we are going to highlight 5 importance of dog therapy below.

Reduce Depression

One of the greatest benefits of dog therapy is that it reduces the risk of depression. Loneliness and isolation naturally leads to depression. Therapy dog will actively step in as your friend to make sure you never feel alone. Pet therapy also provides patients the option of networking with people, probably during a walk at the park, and possibly getting to make new friends.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Stress, anxiety, and rapid heart rate are mainly psychological problems that leads to high blood pressure. Petting a dog is therapeutic, and it creates a bonding atmosphere between the patient and the dog. This exercise will lessen anxiety, slow down heart rate, and finally lower blood pressure.

Increases Physical Activity

What better way to get some exercise than taking a dog for walks? Especially for seniors, dog therapy will help improve motor skills, improve balance and better stability, overcome the fear of falling and gaining better stability confidence. Highly beneficial for patients suffering from arthritis.

Reduced Stress

Not being able to successfully express your feelings or get people to understand what you’re trying to say can make a patient become somewhat frustrated and even stressed. Having a pet to spend time with helps the body release endorphins that helps reduce the level of stress. People suffering from dementia and other kinds of disorder can benefit a lot from this therapy.

Reduces The Level of Epinephrine and Norepinephrine

The body requires a good amount of Epinephrine and Norepinephrine to lessen depression. These substances affect blood pressure, heart rate, and glucose level. Petting a dog helps create a calming effect to the mind that ultimately leads to the decrease in epinephrine and norepinephrine in patients. This encourages a healthier and happier life.

Therapy dogs are really a blessing to man. Spending time with them will help patients improve socially, emotionally, and physically. Click here to customize your Petsochic accessory. The perfect gift for your furry friend ! 

