We are proud to announce that Petsochic has officialy become partner of the French Federation of Cardiology !

Did you know that having a dog can reduce the risk of having cardiovascular disease by 36% ? 

Founded in 1964 by two cardiologists researchers and clinicians, professors Jean Lenègre and Pierre Soulié, the French Federation of Cardiology has been fighting for more than 50 years against cardiovascular diseases, second cause of death in France with about 150,000 deaths per year.

Recognised as a public utility since 1977, the French Federation of Cardiology carries out its activities without a subsidy from the State. Its financial resources exclusively come from the generosity of its donors (donations, legacy, life insurance...) and from the help of our partner companies (patronage, donations). Their leaders are volunteer cardiologists.


Key figures

The association includes :

  • 300 volunteer cardiologists,
  • 27 Regional Associations,
  • more than 263 Heart and Health Clubs,
  • 1600 volunteers,
  • 20 employees at the registered office of the association,
  • more than 18,000 patients in phase III cardiac rehabilitation at Heart and Health Clubs


"Every day in France, more than 400 people die from cardiovascular disease. 

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for women and men over the age of 65.

They are still too often underestimated. Knowledge and consideration of risk factors are the most effective means of control. This is why the French Federation of Cardiologie makes information and prevention its best weapons to reduce cardiovascular diseases.

With nearly 50 projects funded each year for around 1.5 million euro, we play a key role in supporting and funding cardiology research.

We also consider the care of patients in the cardiac rehabilitation phase to be one of our main priorities throughout France.

Finally, we actively contribute to informing the public about actions that save, which are for us a citizen’s act."


To sum it up, the FFC has 4 priority missions :

  • Developing prevention to raise awareness among French people about the dangers of cardiovascular diseases and the means to prevent them
  • Fund research and support researchers
  • Accompany cardiac patients in specialized structures
  • Teach about saving actions to save lives



It is essential that in the 21st century, people understand the importance of pets in our daily life. That's why we conducted an operation solidarity for the FFC last winter. For each "warm so chic" jacket sold, €10 was donated to the French Federation of Cardiology.